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Astrological Coaching



Astrological Coaching was invented by Sebastien Michel, and today there are two main schools in practice today: The Steven Forrest Approach, and The Jeffrey Wolf Green Approach.

Using aspects from both of these schools we will look at and understand your astrological themes and progressions and, in line with the current moods and feelings of your life, make informed and effective choices.

Energy Healing

Energy Healing, a magnetism bonsetting tecnhqiue, (Rebouteux magnétiseur formateur) has several benefits and virtues:

Understanding a person's energy and hamonising it.

Using ‘Knacks’, a bonesetting technique, to restore mobility and enable relaxing (although it is possible to achieve this through magnetism alone, if you wish).

Use hand-based techniques to address cranial and viceral element.




Tel:     01792228230

Brunnenstraße 147

10115 Berlin

Brunnenstre 14

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